Friday, July 7, 2023 PSYCHICS EXPOSED! The Long Island medium... More like Long Island FRAUD!

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Thursday, July 6, 2023 UFO & ALIEN Media lies EXPOSED!

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Thursday, July 6, 2023 KERRY CASSIDY, The project SCAMALOT CRAZYTRAIN!

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Thursday, July 6, 2023 Secret space faker? Randy Cramer, fake marine, fake astronaut, stolen valor fraud.

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Thursday, July 6, 2023 UFO anti-gravity technology mastered decades ago? The John Searl story.

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Thursday, July 6, 2023 Dr. Steven Greer's free energy money grab... Was it a scam?

Dr. Steven Greer's free energy money grab... Was it a scam? Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://trut...

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 MK,Sheila aliens and Steven Cambian talk Bob Lazar and UFO whistleblowers!

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 David Wilcock - False prophet of lies and disinformation!

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 Is UFO and ALIEN disclosure really coming? with Dan Hogan

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 LOST UFO TECHNOLOGY? Viktor Schauberger's Repulsine vortex engine

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 PSYCHICS EXPOSED! Sylvia Browne - Fake psychic medium EXPOSED!

Content created here by Spectral International, LLC. Visit our website here : https://truthseekershow.comBuy some merchandise to support our show : AM...

Thursday, June 29, 2023 UFO's, The DEEP state, Cover ups, Disclosure narratives. GROUND ZERO & TRUTHSEEKERS SIMULCAST!

UFO's, The DEEP state, Cover ups, Disclosure narratives. GROUND ZERO & TRUTHSEEKERS SIMULCAST! Content created here by Spectral International, LLC...